Prayer at the Close of One Year and the Start of a New Year
Gracious God,
As we come to the close of another year, we want to make it the prayer of our hearts that you would abide with us.
We thank you that you have been with us through the days of this past year. Perhaps at times we have not felt you near or even felt that you have forsaken us and forgotten us, and we thank you that it has never been so.
We thank you that you are constantly with your people, and that you have enabled us to persevere in grace. You have heard our prayers, comforted our hearts, and have come so often to our aid.
We pray that you will go with us into this new year. None of us knows what the new year will hold, but we thank you that every moment of that year is in your hands, and you will be with your people. We thank you that we can go forward with confidence and in your peace. We pray that you will help us to walk with you in this new year better than we have ever done before. As the days of the new year unfold, guide us to an ever-closer walk with you. Help us to put sin to death, and gladly yield our lives unreservedly to Jesus Christ, our Savior.
Have mercy, we pray, upon those connected with us who come to the end of this year and their hearts are still closed against you, still hardening their hearts against you. Grant that this new year would mark the beginning of new life in Jesus Christ.
Comfort and heal all those who suffer in body, mind, or spirit, and give them courage and hope in their troubles, and bring them the joy of your salvation.
Heavenly Father, accept the prayers of your people, and strengthen us to do you will, through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN
I look forward to journey with you in 2025!
Pastor Daniel