The Women in Faith of our church have been concerned for the seniors in our congregation who need help at times accomplishing chores in their homes but, are not able to do some of those chores now.
The Osceola County Commission on Aging has help available with housekeeping chores, rides for appointments, and meals among other services. Some options require a fee, but grants are also available dependent on income.
If you need help in your home, call 231-734-5559 for more information.
We’re happy to report that our January blood drive successfully exceeded its goal, securing 24 pints of live-giving blood for patients in our community and across the state! Those 24 pints have the potential of impacting or SAVING up to 72 lives!
Thank you to those who donated, and to those who helped in other ways.
Our next drive Is March 20, from 11-4, and we look forward to your support in donating, recruiting donors, and praying for those who are recipients of these wonderful gifts!
The Reed City Ministerial Association Coat and Outerwear Pantry is now open on Wednesdays from Noon to 3pm
Clean, gently used or new Winter coats and accessories are needed.
Especially needed are:
* Boots for youth ages 10 - 16 -sizes man's small and medium & woman's small and medium
* All Children's outerwear -- sizes Toddler through Teen
* Adult outerwear-- Extra Large and Plus Sizes
Your donated items may be left in the bin in our entryway OR in collection bins around our community. Thank you for your generosity.
The Food Pantry is located at St. Philip Neri Church, 831 S. Chestnut St., Reed City. It is open every Tuesday • 10 am – 1 pm and volunteers are needed to help.
The item of the month is canned fruit - any kind and any brand.
You may leave these items AND other non-perishable donations in or near the bin in our church foyer.
A reminder: donated items must be in their original sealed packaging/no open bags or boxes or partially used items. Importantly, they must also display current, non-expired dating for “use by” purposes. The food pantry cannot distribute any item that is past-date and expired. While many items are safe beyond their expiration date, they are not usable by the food pantry and will be discarded.
Please keep in mind, monetary donations are used to purchase food in bulk quantities at a reduced cost. You may give through your church offering -- please mark your gift "Food Pantry." Thank you!
42nd Circuit Court – Family Division Seeks Foster Families to join our dynamic team of foster parents!
We offer lots of support, training and flexibility. Foster homes are needed for youth ages 8 to 17. We have a need for respite care and short placements. Foster parents can be married or single, rent or own their home, and work full or part-time. Payment is provided.
Please call Jodie Garner, 42nd Circuit Court – Family Division • 989-832-6398 for a packet of information.
Prayer Changes Things
To submit or update a prayer request, please call: (231)832-9441 or email: office@reedcityumc.com