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Church Calendar


9:30 am  In-Person Worship. 

10:00 am WDEE-FM-97.3 radio broadcast of the church service

10:30 am Romans 8 Bible Study begins March 2


6pm Small Group Bible Study at Lola C's home.


10am - Noon  In-Stitches Group.

Bring a project you're working on or simply stop by to visit. Everyone is welcome! 


Noon to 3pm Coat Pantry.

3:30 to 5pm Kidz Klub.

Thursday   Bible Study led by Pastor Daniel

Friday  The church office is closed.

Reminder: When the public school system is closed due to inclement weather - our church meetings will be cancelled.

RADA Cutlery (American Made Cutlery) is available for purchase through our current fundraiser. The direct link to support Reed City is:   (Customer #117998)   

Thank you, RCUMC Women In Faith

Wesley House Invitation for a Craft & Food Auction with BBQ Lunch! Hoe-Down Throw Down!

February 9th at 11:15 a.m. at Big Rapids First UMC Benefits the FSU Wesley House

March 20 11am to 4 pm  Blood Drive  at Reed City UMC

1st Wednesday of the Month    Noon--

AARP Potluck meal, meeting and program in Fellowship Hall .  Please bring a dish to pass and your own table service. There will be a short meeting following lunch and we will conclude with a 20-minute program.

AARP Chapter 2418- Midwestern Michigan   Contact: (231) 832-4774

3rd Monday of the Month 10:30 am Circle of Care

Donations needed: Christmas cards;  Get Well cards; Thinking of You cards; different sizes of blank envelopes, and contributions for stamps

 3rd Wednesday of the Month from 10:30 to 11:30 am

Mid-Michigan Community Action Agency Commodity Food Distribution in RCUMC parking lot.  Please note that boxes may only be released to the recipient at pick-up.


© Copyright Reed City United Methodist Church. all rights preserved.

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