God Ramblings by Steven Lowery
Merry Christmas EVERYONE:
It's been a while, but I have something to share . . .
In 1983 our community lost a lovely soul. Her name was Janette Roberson and she was brutally murdered.
The case is not yet solved. There will be an annual walk called "Justice For Janette Roberson" on January 21, 2023. It will begin at 1:00 pm at the Reed City Depot. ALL are welcome to attend.
TravelLight Ministry has created a music video in her memory and will be there to assist with the event.
We hope to see you there.
We pray love and compassion fill our hearts as we all "walk for Janette."
GOD bless you this Holiday Season.
Steven Lowery
Groundhog's Day, 2020
February second, Sunday morning I watched the yearly event. Thousands gathered in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania as a hazy sunrise appeared and Phil was coaxed from his burrow.
One of the officials dressed in traditional garb and top hat lifted the groundhog high in the air and soon Phil made his prediction. He did not see his shadow and informed everyone that it would be an early spring!
Thousands had gathered. Many, many millions watched it on television live or saw the news clips later on. Millions.
In the churches I attend we are blessed to have worshippers in the numbers of thirty something or forty. There are always many empty seats or pews.
Millions watched Punxsutawney Phil and his shadow-less awakening on Sunday.
I'm sure you can see where I am going with this.
What about God?
Do we care about him as much as we care about Phil?
We should, shouldn't we? After all, He created each one of us and breathed life into us.
The Father wants us to love and trust him. That is entirely possible because He gave his one and only Son, on a cross of death to remove our sin. There is only one true savior, one name under Heaven and on Earth that is able to save us.
His name is Jesus Christ...
Winter Storm Isaiah
From the Bible, NIV. Matthew, Chapter eight, verses 23 through 27 reads,
Then he (Jesus) got into the boat and his disciples followed him. Without warning, a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him, saying, "Lord, save us! We're going to drown!"
He replied, "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.
The men were amazed and asked, "What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!"
Last weekend it was predicted that we could have seen a half inch of ice and 18 inches of snow. Did we get that? No.
I believe Gods' church prayed, his saints and children prayed for a merciful intervention by the hand of the almighty Father. And we received. Praise the Lord.
I was supposed to preach last weekend and had decided to speak about scriptures from the book of Isaiah, Chapter Six, verses 8 and 9. That's a bit ironic. Of course, our church and many around the area were canceled due to slippery roads, and that is a good thing. None of us want to see accidents and harm coming to others, especially to the people trying to get to their place of worship. God is in control.
Winter storm Jacob is supposed to arrive here about dark, Friday night. Maybe if we pray, just maybe...The father will move his hand and calm the storm.